The way I see it, you and I are exactly the same. Life's not fair, is it, my little friend? While some are born to feast, others spend their lives in the dark, begging for scraps. As it dangles from the end of the stalk, Scar approaches from within the cave. It sniffs the air, then climbs a plant stalk. Eventually, it manages to climb into a cave, where it sits atop a bone and washes its face. The mouse climbs a plant stalk and scurries across some rocks. It continues to scurry along before it pauses and washes its face. The camera pans up from a puddle to show a mouse scurrying through the underbrush. ♪ It's the circle of life, and it moves us all through despair and hope, through faith and love, 'till we find our place on the path unwinding in the circle, the circle of life. Upon reaching the edge, Rafiki sits and holds up Simba for the gathered animals to see. Carrying Simba on one shoulder, he walks toward the edge of Pride Rock's promontory. After trailing his thumb through the red roots, Rafiki draws a mark on Simba's forehead. Rafiki raises the red roots over his head and breaks them in half. Simba, who is in Sarabi's paws, turns to face the camera.

Rafiki approaches and sits in front of Sarabi. Mufasa walks over to Sarabi, and the two nuzzle. It's the circle of life, and it moves us all, through despair and hope, through faith and love, 'till we find our place on the path unwinding in the circle, the circle of life. There's far too much to take in here, more to find than can ever be found, but the sun rolling high through the sapphire sky keeps great and small on the endless round. ♪ From the day we arrive on the planet and, blinking, step into the sun, there's more to see than can ever be seen, more to do than can ever be done. Fade to early dawn on the African savanna.